Malaysian govt tops highest request of TikTok content removal globally

Malaysian govt tops highest request of TikTok content removal globally

SHORT video platform TikTok recently published its report on request removals from governments all around the world for 2024.

According to the Government Removal Requests Report, the data was obtained from January until June 2024.

Over the years since TikTok was founded, requests by governments worldwide to remove certain content have increased exponentially to 8,516 this year compared to last year’s 6,768 requests.

Malaysia was listed at the top of the report for sending the most requests for content removal at 2,606.

Last year in the same period, the country recorded only 340 requests from the government received by TikTok, marking a rather significant jump.

Globally, other governments with the highest number of content removal requests are Indonesia at 778, followed by Australia (522 requests), Russia (492 requests) and Pakistan (371 requests).

Malaysia is also recorded for having the highest amount of content actioned due to (local) law violations at a whopping 5,296.

Another metric that Malaysia is shown to have the highest number of content taken action against by TikTok for violating community guidelines, amounting to 2,229.

Therefore, Malaysia has recorded a removal rate of 86% this year.

Meanwhile, the study also included TikTok accounts the government has reported on TikTok, amounting to a total of 2,822.

Accounts taken action against by TikTok due to community guidelines violations stand at 2,080 while accounts taken down by the company following local law violations are recorded at 423.


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