Sarawak premier Abang Johari Openg said alternative energy could eliminate the need for government-funded diesel subsidies.
KUCHING: Sarawak premier Abang Johari Openg has proposed that the federal government seek out affordable and sustainable energy alternatives to replace diesel consumption nationwide.
He said such alternatives could eliminate the need for government-funded diesel subsidies.
“If people keep relying on diesel and demanding subsidies whenever diesel prices rise, they’ll just keep asking for subsidies,” he told reporters after officiating the Asia Pacific Green Hydrogen Conference and Exhibition (APGH) 2024 here.
“So why can’t you have cheap alternative energy? Then you don’t have to use diesel.”
Abang Johari said Putrajaya should explore innovative energy sources like hydrogen, which Sarawak is actively pursuing.
“Why are we still talking about diesel when you have hydrogen? To reduce hydrogen costs, we need to completely shift away from using diesel. That’s the most practical solution,” he said.
Starting today, the price of diesel in Peninsular Malaysia is set at RM3.35 per litre following an announcement by second finance minister Amir Hamzah Azizan yesterday. The diesel price will now be reviewed every week.
In Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan, diesel remains at the subsidised rate of RM2.15 per litre.
Under the Budi Madani programme, private diesel vehicle owners, small-scale farmers, and smallholders receive RM200 in monthly cash aid.
Registration for the subsidy programme began on May 28, with the first batch of 30,000 diesel vehicle owners set to receive the aid today.