Lap to upgrade water pumps, build water tanks in Pulau Pangkor

Lap to upgrade water pumps, build water tanks in Pulau Pangkor

LUMUT: The Perak Water Board (LAP) is in the process of upgrading pump houses and building water storage tanks to ensure smooth water supply in Pulau Pangkor, state Infrastructure, Energy, Water and Public Transport Committee chairman Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said.

Upgrading work will commence in April, while the water tanks project was in the land acquisition process, he said, adding that the work was done to overcome any water issues in the long term.

“To fulfil needs during the holiday week, we will channel additional supply to Pulau Pangkor. Tankers will be mobilised to help with the distribution,” he said in a statement today, as he denied there would be any water disruption due to field work done by the board.

Low water pressure is expected, however, especially in the area of Teluk Nipah as many chalet operators did not prepare adequate water tanks for use during peak hours, he said.

Meanwhile Pangkor Hotel and Resort Development Association chairman Fauzan Azhar said that they had faced water disruption in Pulau Pangkor since Feb 8 due to the increase in tourists to the island for Chinese New Year celebrations.

He expressed hope that the upgrade work and new tanks would be expedited to solve any water supply issues.

A resort operator on the island, Ainul Fazrina Khairuddin, 31, also shared that quite a number of tourists had cancelled their reservations at the last minute when they learnt of the water supply issue and worried that if such a situation continued, it would affect her business.

“We urge the authorities to resolve the matter quickly, as Pulau Pangkor is one of the state’s tourism products featured in Visit Perak Year 2024,” she added.–Bernama


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