Restaurant worker in Tawau loses fingers after getting hand stuck in meat grinder

Restaurant worker in Tawau loses fingers after getting hand stuck in meat grinder

PETALING JAYA: A young woman recently lost her fingers after her right hand got stuck in a meat grinder earlier today in Tawau, Sabah.

The incident occured while the 22-year-old restaurant worker was making burger patties using the meat grinder, according to a report by The Star.

Sabah Fire and Rescue Department assistant director of operations Kenneth Wilfred confirmed that they received a call regarding the accident that took place in Taman Poh San at around 1.50pm today.

“Firemen had to cut open the grinder to free the victim’s hand. She lost all her fingers,” he said in a statement.

It is said that her fingers got caught in the part where the cutter was when she was pressing the meat down the machine.

The victim was then taken to the hospital for treatment while the fire department ended their operations at 2.30pm.


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